Aubrey Marcus – Own the Day – Own your Life

I’ve got another book review today (as well as a “Dude you Should Know.”)

Let me introduce you to one of the most unique voices in human performance that I’ve ever seen.


This one is for the book, Own the Day -Own Your Life by Austin’s own Aubrey Marcus.

If you haven’t heard of this guy yet just wait, you will soon enough.  He’s a monster in the human performance/nutrition game with his “claim to fame” being an industry re-shelving company named, “Onnit.”

(def: re-shelving:  this product is so good and so popular the stores needs to re-shelf the stuff so it’s at eye level)

This guy has paid his dues and creates some of the best nutritional products on the planet.

This being stated, I had a little hesitancy about the book.   The health supplement industry has made so many millionaires that after making their cash, move on to become top seller’s in something else.  You can make a lot of money in supplements and many use this as a propulsion to get cash that now affords them the opportunity to chase what they are passionate about.   I would never fault someone for getting rich nor creating the means to chase their passion.  It just shakes my trust in the supplement industry as well as makes me cynical as to what that person will push this time around.


The book could be a 400 page glossy advertisement for his supplement company.  Again, I’d not fault him for that – he’s got some amazing stuff.

I’m pleased to say it’s neither of those.   This guy isn’t going anywhere.  In addition, I will add at this point, that I have a fantastic opinion about ONNIT personally, but its not just a marketing play.  When brands like EXOS line up at the door to sell your product, you’re playing in the major leagues now.   Those companies only work with the BEST.   Of Everything.

Getting on to the book, which will get on with Aubrey as a whole.

Before I was done with it, I had ordered 12 copies for my clinic.   These sold out the second day.   I have a sports based chiropractic clinic, I don’t sell books.  I sell pain relief and human performance.  If I have a book up in my office it’s because it can make you a better human being and mirrors my belief as a health care professional that you need to improve yourself every day.  You can’t be OK with being out of the game.   You can’t be OK with even staying the same.  You need to shake stuff up and Improve.  This book is one of my favorites of all time in this category.

Own the Day- Own Your Life is set up nearly seamlessly with Aubrey telling it like it is.  There is such a complete lack of bullshit and countering of the status quo – backed up by research and just plain un-common sense that I felt refreshed each chapter.

THIS GUY WRITES THE WAY I THINK and he is correct in his information.   As I state on my intro page at BeAwesome365: There is a Revolution going on in the health care/ fitness/performance industries that is connected and all encompassing and intertwined…why are we still promoting crappy advice?

Not since Tim Ferris and Mark Manson have I had a person just make me hungry for more and I have since started following his blog and listening to him being interviewed by others.  You will see his ideas creep up in my posts frequently as he’s speaking my game.

Fair warning – the personality Aubrey has on his podcast vs the book is different.  Different in a good way however and as the media changes you can get a feel for his multiple facets and styles.  No different than how I am face to face vs my writing I’d guess.   I just get the overall feeling that he is genuine.  All I can tell you is he immediately made my short list of “people I’d love to have dinner and a drink with” and I don’t do a lot of that.

The book offers great advice and a modern take on stress, eating, “dude, just chill the hell out”, looking at your life differently, workouts and a lot more.  A lot of stuff that has been implemented and has made my life better immediately…and I’m a guy that writes on this exact stuff!

I’ll tell you how much I like the whole thing.   The “BeAwesome365” page was originally supposed to just be my practice website -a place to blog and practice my craft -seeing what flavor of writing worked for me and what people responded to.

The “actual web site” about lifestyle/health was called “Win at Health” or “Win Your Health.”   It was going to drop about now. Then this guy comes in with a book and the title and completely stole my mojo.  But I don’t hate on that!

Personally, I feel validated when someone I’ve never met comes up with similar ideas and findings that I have independently.  It gives my thoughts and ideas more credential and legitimacy and makes the hypothesis more theory.   He got the name out there before I did and he’s a lot more famous than I am and his stuff is legit, so lots of props and a tip o’ the hat going out his direction.

Guys, if you like my style,  I think you’ll love his book.  A book allows for so much more explanation of why stuff works and I’ll pretty much promise it will save you time, money, and stress somewhere in your life.


2 thoughts on “Aubrey Marcus – Own the Day – Own your Life

  1. I am reading his book now and it is amazing. I read some bad reviews about his book which I dont understand. One guy said, “if you are already living this life, there is nothing new.” I disagree because we all need constant reminders on why to hack our lives. We become comfortable again and again. I know to take cold showers but I dont want to. Little reminders are always helpful.


    1. I agree. You can always pick up new stuff with any book, lecture media etc and the way he wraps up multiple aspects of life together is jackpot


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